Australian Native Tree Species

Australia has a huge land area dotted with many beautiful trees. But over time, logging
and replacement with overseas species has led to a decline of the native species.
Which is why nowadays, people are being encouraged to plant native tree species.

Exotic tree species tend to do better in the Australian soil. They’re ideal for landscaping,
parks, revegetation, or even for homeowners to plant in their gardens. They come in
different shapes and sizes; they’re colourful and attract indigenous birds and animals.

Here are some of the most common Australian native trees species:

Acacia (Wattles)

Australia has over 1,200 species and sub-species of acacia, and it’s one of the most
noticeable trees around. It is the country’s floral emblem and mostly grown along the
coast and countryside. They can be found in Canberra, Adelaide Hills, Victoria, and the
southern New South Wales. These trees flower during spring and summer, but still,
some have been noticed to flower in winter. The trees start as small to large shrubs and
grow to large trees. Acacia trees are easy to grow either from seeds or cuttings and do
not require frequent watering. They grow quickly. For homeowners, it is best growing
the garden from scratch and the bush must be pruned occasionally.

Eucalyptus – gum trees

About 2,800 species of gum trees are commonly associated with Australia. They are
found in many areas; silver and red snow gums are found in the Australian Alps, ancient
river red gums in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges and the Blue Mountains also have
different species. However, they can’t grow in the rainforest. These trees are easily
identifiable because of the eucalyptus oil that comes from their leaves. They also
provide shelter to many species of native animals and birds. The trees are difficult to
grow from seeds or cutting; you have to get their seedlings from a nursery. They require
full sun and moderate watering.

Eremophila (emu bushes)

There are more than 200 species of eremophila found exclusively in Australia. They tree
grows in semi-arid and arid regions like Western Australia. They are low-growing and
colorful shrubs or small trees with small, shiny leaves. They produce double-layered
flowers and fruits that many animals and birds eat. These trees cannot grow easily from
seeds but can be grown from cuttings. They need well-drained soil and infrequent


It is one of the best known native trees in Australia and has 173 species; only one
cannot be found naturally in the country. They are low-lying shrubs or tall trees with
distinctive candle-like flowers; the flowers are usually yellow or red and attract native
animals. They grow in Southwestern Australia, and along the eastern coast; a few can

survive in arid regions or rainforests. These trees require moderate watering; you can
plant the seeds in your nursery and germinate your own seedlings.


Australia has plenty of unique tree species. Some of these trees are listed as
endangered, and measures need to be put in place to protect them from threats of
harsh climatic conditions, destruction of their natural habitats. In 2019, you can make a
difference by planting one or more native tree species.


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